The Google Analytics numbers for this blog are dismal. (Hi Mom! Hi Friends!) I think it's because right now I don't have much to say that's both unique and interesting. Partly this is because so much of my life is off limits: I don't want to talk about the joys & cares of raising a family, and I musn't talk about the joys & cares of raising a new product. What's left are comments on the general state of the web, and essays on general topics like this one. Why write then, and who am I writing for? I write because something inside me compells me to, and because it helps me think to get my ideas down in written form. Who do I write for? From my Analytics numbers it's clear that I'm writing primarily for search engines (Hi Googlebot!) rather than people. And that's something interesting to think about: Baring a world-wide disaster or cultural revoloution, what I write today will persist for thousands and probably even millions of years, and wi...