Yesterday I wrote a web scraper. A web scraper is a program that crawls over a set of web pages, following links and collecting data. Another name for this kind of program is a "spider", because it "crawls" the web. In the past I've written scrapers in Java and F# , with good results. But yesterday, when I wanted to write a new scraper, I though I'd try using a dynamically-typed language instead. What's a dynamically-typed language you ask? Well, computer languages can generally be divided into two camps, depending on whether they make you declare the type of data that can be stored in a variable or not. Declaring the type up front can make the program run faster, but it's more work for the developer. Java and F#, the languages I previously used to write a web scraper, are statically typed languages, although F# uses type inference so you don't actually have to declare types very often -- the computer figures it out for you. In order to scrape ...